IMPORTANT: Before drilling a hole on the inside (brake side) of the rim, be absolutely sure that there will be no interference between any brake component (caliper, disc, etc.) and the beadlock tube valve stem.

Energit disposal is equipped with its own inflating and deflating valve.

     Drill a hole on the diameter circle of the valve. The hole has to be made in an easy position to its use, so that the valve can be accessible for the inflating/ deflating from outside.



-        Remove any burr or edge from the hole.   It is important to widen slightly the initial part of the hole by a bigger drill to remove sharp edges.


      Place the supplied gasket around ENERGIT valve and insert it into the hole.

Drain the valve from the rim, place the second gasket and tighten the lock nuts




  Now the rim is equipped with two valves to inflate the tire.



Insert ENERGIT disposal inside the rim, away from the edges to avoid any interferences during the assembly of the tire.

Complete the assembly of the tire and inflate up to the right pressure

Inflate ENERGIT up to the suitable pressure ( according to the models)



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